Then the final fourth round, the “fourth selam,” starts. It is different from the others in that all the semazens whirl in the exterior circle. When they are all so arranged, the semazen bashi takes his place and salutes the shaykh. The shaykh returns the salute. Holding the right side of his khirqah with his left hand at the level of his waist, and the collar of the khirqah with his right hand close to his right shoulder, pulling slightly outward, he walks to the very centre of the circle, called the point of the qutb, and begins slowly turning there.

At this last phase of the sema the ayin ends and the saz semai starts and then a ney taksim. As the shaykh slowly walks to his post, the taksim ends. With the recitation of A°ūdhu billāhi min ash-shaytān ir-rajīm. Bismillāh ir-Raḥmān ir-Raḥīm, the chanting of the Qur’an begins.

The semazens immediately stop, bow their heads, and wherever they are prostrate themselves facing the shaykh. They kiss the ground, then sit on their knees, their arms crossed over their chests, hands holding their shoulders. Quickly, some of the semazens who did not enter the last round gather the khirqahs, kiss them, and place them on the shoulders of the seated semazens, who also kiss the collars of the khirqahs. All sit quietly and listen to the recitation of the Qur’an, which should be ten verses.

At the end, when subḥānaka rabbika rabbi l-°izzati °ammā yaṣifūn, wa salāmun °alāl-mursalīn, wal-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-°ālamin is recited, the dua-gu dede prostrates and kisses the ground, then rises, puts his arms into the sleeves of his khirqah, and walks to the right of the shaykh. He salutes the shaykh; then, his face half-turned to the shaykh, he opens his hands in prayer and recites the following:

Bārakallah wa barakāt-i kalāmullahrā. Semārā, ṣafārā, nefārā, wajd-u hālāt-i merdan-i Hudarā, awwal °aẓamāt-i buzurg-i Hudā wa risalāt-i rūh-i pak-i Ḥazrāt-i Muhammad Mustafara. Wa chahār yār-i guzin-i Habibullahrā. Wa Ḥazrat-i Imām Hasan-i °Ali wa Ḥazrat-i Imām Husayn-i Walī, wa shuhadā-yi desht-i Karbalārā. Wa awliyā-yi agāh wa °arifān-i billāh, wa °alāl-khuṣūṣ:

Ḥazrat-i Sultān il-°Ulamā’

wa Ḥazrat-i Sayyid Burhānuddin-i Muhaqqiq-i Tirmidhī,

wa Quṭb ul-°Ashiqin, Ghawth ul-Wasilīn, Ḥazrat-i Hudāvendigharā,

wa Ḥazrat-i Shaykh Shamsuddīn-i Tabrīz,

wa Ḥazrat-i Chelebi Huṣāmuddīn,
wa Shaykh Salāhuddīn-i Zerkūb-i Konawī,
wa Shaykh Kerīmuddīn,
wa Sulṭān ibn-i Sulṭān Ḥazrāt-i Sultān Veled Efendi,
wa Wālidah-i Sulṭānrā.
wa Muhammad °Ala’uddīn Efendi,
wa Ḥazrat-i Ūlū °Arif Efendi,
wa °Ābid Efendi,
wa Wājid Efendi,
wa Bahā’uddīn °Ālim Efendi,
wa Mazhāruddīn °Ādil Efendi,
wa Muhammad °Ālim Efendi,
wa Pīr °Ādil Efendi,
wa Jamāluddīn Efendi,
wa Khosraw Efendi,
wa Farrukh Efendi,
wa Sulṭān-i Divān-i Muhammad Efendi,
wa Bustān Efendi,
wa Abū Bakr Efendi,
wa °Ārif Efendi,
wa Pīr Husayn Efendi,
wa °Abdul Ḥalīm Efendi,
wa Hajji Bustān Efendi,
wa Muhammad Ṣadruddīn Efendi,
wa Hajji Muhammad °Ārif Efendi,
wa Hajji Abu Bakr Efendi,
wal-Hajj Muhammad Efendi,
wa Muhammad Sa°īd Efendi,
wa Ṣadruddīn Efendi,
wa Fakhruddīn Efendi,
wa Mustafa Ṣafwat Efendi,
wa °Abdul-Wāhid Efendirā.

Wa sā’ir chelebiyan-i khulafā’ wa mashā’ikh-i fuqarā’ baqīrā. Wa °alāl-khuṣūṣ, Pisheva-yi Arbab-i Ṭariqat wa Jedd-i Buzurgvar-i Ḥaqīqat selameti Ḥazret-i Chelebi Efendirā. Wa mansūru muzaffar shūdan asakir-i dīn-i Islām, wa mahkūr-u munhezim shūdāni a°da-yi din-i duzah-enjamrā.Wa salamati hujjāji Baytullahrā. Wa rūh-u rewāni bani-yi īn derghah. Wa safā-yi waqt-i darwishan, haziran, ghā’ibān, dostān, muhibban, ez sharqi alem ta be gharbi alem erwāh-i ghuzeshteghān-i kaffa-yi ahl-i imānrā. Wa rizā-yi Hudārā Fat-ihat-ul Kitāb burhānim °azizan.

After the du°a the Fatihah is recited by order of the shaykh. Then at the door of Azamat-i Hudārā takbīr:

Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar, lā ilāha illalāhu wallahu akbur, Allāhu akbar wa lillāh il-hamd.

Then: As-salātu was-salāmu °alayka yā Rasūlullāh, aṣ-ṣalātu was-salāmu °alayka ya Ḥabībullāh, aṣ-ṣalātu was-salāmu °alayka ya Nur-i °Arshillāh, aṣ-ṣalātu was-salāmu °alayka ya Sayyid al-Awwalīna wal-Ākhirīn, wa Shafī° al-Mudhnibīn, wa salāmun °alāl-mursalīn wal-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-°ālamīn.

By the order of the shaykh, another Fatihah is recited. Then the shaykh prostrates and kisses his post, and all do the same. The shaykh rises and says aloud:

Erwāh-i ṭayyibeleri shād-u handān, wa barakāt-i rūḥaniyyat-i aliyyeleri iḥsān oluna. Dem-i Ḥazrat-i Mevlānā, sir-i Shams-i Tabrīzī, kerem-i Imām °Ali, Hū diyelim.

All present bow their heads and say , stretching the sound until the end of their breath.

The shaykh leaves his post and salutes, saying as-salāmu °alaykum. All present bow their heads. Only the semazen bashi answers aloud, Wa °alaykum as-salāmu wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakatuhu, stretching out the last syllable, . The shaykh stops in front of the muṭrib and salutes them in the same manner, and the neyzen bashi answers. At the door the shaykh turns to the semahane, and bows his head. Everyone else does the same. Then the shaykh leaves, passing through the door with his left foot. One by one all the dervishes leave in the same manner, meydanci dede leaving the last. . .

Allāhu a°lam—Allah knows best. And °alaykum as-salāmu wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhu.

Conveyed to us by al fakir, Tosun Bayrak, muhibb ul-Jerrahi