January theme: In these days the breathings of God prevail. Turn your ear and mind toward these breathings. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

February theme: There are some true servants of God of whom the body is here but of whom the heart is above, under the Throne of God. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

March theme: The most intelligent of people are those who are most fastidious in matters of courtesy and friendship. . . ~Muhammad (a.s.)

April theme: None of you has faith until you love for your brother or sister what you love for yourself. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

May theme: Everyone sets out each day and trades his soul, either emancipating it or oppressing it. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

June theme: The first stage of worship is silence. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

July theme: Would you have me tell you about actions that are better than fasting, prayer, and charity? Bring goodness and high principles between people. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

August theme: Falsehood troubles the heart; Truth brings joyous tranquility. ~Mevlana

September theme: True wealth is not abundance in property but a generous heart. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

October theme: Two believers that lend support to each other are like a pair of hands that wash each other clean. ~Muhammad (a.s.)

November theme: Heal with Presence. ~Shaikh Kabir Helminski

December theme: Be in the vibration of love. ~Shaikh Kabir Helminski